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Using the Sam­son Head­phone Amp

Using the Desk:

1. Con­trol the vol­ume going out of the desk to the head­phone amp with the ‘Head­phones Vol­ume’ dial on the desk.

Using the Audio Switch:

1. Above the head­phone amp is an audio switch which is used to change the input to the head­phone amp from the desk to the Mac and vice versa.

2. To hear audio from the desk through the head­phone amp, turn the dial to ‘1’.

3. To hear audio from the Mac through the head­phone amp, turn the dial to ‘4’.

Using the Head­phone Amp:

1. The head­phone amp has four chan­nels which each send the out­put from the desk. You can plug in up to four pairs of head­phones at once.

2. Each chan­nel has a 1/​4″ jack input, an EQ but­ton, a vol­ume dial and a vol­ume meter. To acti­vate the EQ curve, push in the but­ton next to the head­phone jack.

3. The Sam­son head­phone amp also has a mas­ter vol­ume dial and a mas­ter bal­ance (or pan) dial.

4. To switch the chan­nels from stereo to 2 chan­nel (or mono), sim­ply press the but­ton next to the ‘Inject’ jack. The but­ton will glow orange when it has been pressed and the amp out­puts will become mono.


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