This guide will explain how to use the Mix Busses on the SSL XL desk to record stereo stems of a mix into Pro Tools.
Using the Mix Busses to Group Audio:
1. There are four mix busses on the SSL XL desk labeled A, B, C and D.
2. Mix A can be used alone to route the whole mix into a stereo output.
3. The mix busses can also be used to group audio together. For example, all drum channels could be sent to Mix Bus B.
Routing Channels to Mix Busses:
1. To route channels to mix busses, press the relevant button, eg. B, on the channels that are to be routed to that mix bus. The button can be located just above the fader on that channel.
2. Mix Busses B, C and D can be routed back into Mix Bus A by pressing the ‘TO A’ button in the master section at the top of the right hand side of the desk.
3. Each mix bus can be recorded as a stereo channel, creating up to four stereo stems of a mix.
1. Locate the Mix A, B, C and D outputs on the patchbay and use bantam cables to route into audio interface inputs on the patchbay.
2. In this case, the output of Mix B has been patched into MOTU 16A 2 Line In 1–2 which corresponds to channels 17–18 in Pro Tools.
Pro Tools:
1. Create a stereo channel for each mix bus being used.
2. Set the inputs to these channels to be the same as those patched into. E.g. if you have patched into 17–18, set the inputs to 17–18.
3. Ensure that the outputs of these stereo channels are either deactivated or sent to an output that is not being used to record into the mix bus. This is to prevent feedback.
4. Click on the ‘Record Enable’ button on the channels.
5. Press ‘Record’ and ‘Play’ in the transport section.
6. Monitor the recordings and check that they are the correct stems once recording is completed.