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Using the Mic In Chan­nels on the Desk

Using the Patchbay:

1. The right hand side of the patch­bay houses three XLR inputs which link up to the three mic chan­nels on the desk.

2. Plug your micro­phone into one of the XLR inputs on the patchbay.

3. Finally, if your micro­phone of choice requires phan­tom power, make sure to pick up a phan­tom power box from the music tech­nol­ogy stores. You will need a phan­tom power box as the Sound­craft Series 10 desk does not have built in phan­tom power.


Using the Desk:

1. Each chan­nel on the desk has an EQ sec­tion.

2. Next, there are pan and gain dials for each chan­nel. The red LED below the gain dial labelled ‘Peak’ will light up when the chan­nel is clipping.

3. Turn up the fader for your microphone(s).

4. Turn up the ‘Main Out’ fader. This is the mas­ter fader on this desk.

5. Finally, turn up the ‘Speaker Vol­ume’ dial to a com­fort­able lis­ten­ing level.

6. The speak­ers will be auto­mat­i­cally muted when one of the micro­phone faders is pushed up and the red LED will light up to show it has been muted. To lis­ten to the micro­phones as you record, you will need to use head­phones.


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