This guide will walk you through using the EQ section of the Audient ASP8024-HE in Greenrooms 1.
Shelf Bands:
1. To turn on the two shelf bands press the ‘IN’ button.
The two shelf bands are set to the long fader path by default, the ‘SF’ button switches the shelf bands to the short fader path.
2. To boost the high frequency shelf, turn the pot labelled ‘HF’ clockwise, alternatively turn the pot anti-clockwise to decrease the gain.
Pressing the ‘AIR’ button changes the cut off frequency of the high frequency shelf from 10kHz to 18kHz.
3. To boost the low frequency shelf, turn the pot labelled ‘LF’ clockwise, alternatively turn pot anti-clockwise to decrease the gain.
Pressing the ‘100Hz’ button changes the cut off frequency of the low frequency shelf from 50Hz to 100Hz.
1. The second section of the EQ is the two parametric bands which are turned on by pressing the ‘IN’ button.
The two parametric bands are set to the long fader path by default. Pressing the ‘SF’ switches the parametric bands to the short fader path.
2. The parametric EQ is split into two bands: the ‘HMF’ (High Mid Frequencies) and the ‘LMF’ (Low Mid Frequencies).
Each band has three controls; the bandwidth, the gain and the centre frequency.
3. To increase the gain of the frequency band turn the pot labelled ‘dB’ clockwise or turn it anti-clockwise to decrease the gain.
4. Turning the pot labelled ‘kHz’ clockwise increases the centre frequency of the band while turning it anti-clockwise decreases it.
5. The pot labelled ‘BW’ controls the bandwidth of the band. Turning it clockwise increases the bandwidth and turning it anti-clockwise decreases the bandwidth.