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Using Outboard Gear

This guide will show you how to use any out­board gear in Green­rooms 2, 3, and 4.


Ban­tam Patchbay:

1. The ban­tam patch­bay is nor­malised so noth­ing should be plugged into the Insert sec­tion on the patchbay.

2. If using out­board gear on chan­nel 1, you need to use a ban­tam cable from the insert send 1.

3. The other end of the ban­tam cable goes to the input point of the out­board gear you want to use.

For exam­ple, we are using the WA76 In.

4. Use another ban­tam cable to return the processed sig­nal from the out­board gear.

For exam­ple, we are using WA76 Out.

5. Con­nect the other end of the ban­tam cable to the insert return of the channel.

For exam­ple, we are using chan­nel 1.


SSL XL Desk:

1. Ensure the “Ins” but­ton on the desk is pressed in on the chan­nel you are using.


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