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Under­stand­ing 5.1

Under­stand­ing a 5.1 Setup:

1. In order to cre­ate a 5.1 mix, there are a num­ber of tasks that need com­plet­ing to avoid any prob­lems. The first is the I/​O setup; go to Setup then I/​O.

2. In the out­put tab, make sure that there is a 5.1 path. This tells Pro ­Tools that a 5.1 out­put is going to be used and with­out this, 5.1 will not work.

3. If there is no 5.1 path, select ‘New Path’ and cre­ate one as shown left.

4. Next you should cre­ate a 5.1 bus, This is used to send mono tracks to the aux out­put and is done in a sim­i­lar way to the I/​O setup. On the same I/​O setup menu, go to ‘Buses’ tab and check to see if there is a 5.1 bus.

5. If you can’t see a 5.1 bus, click ‘New Path’ to cre­ate a new one. Name this appro­pri­ately so it can be found when set­ting chan­nel out­puts. (e.g “5.1 Bus”)

6. Next, cre­ate a 5.1 aux out­put, go to Track, New and add a 5.1 aux channel.

7. Now you will be able to set the out­put of each mono track to your 5.1 bus, you will notice that when this is done a small grid will appear in place of the pan­ning con­trols. This allows you to posi­tion the instru­ment any­where within the 5.1 spec­trum e.g cen­tre, left, right, rear left, rear right or any­where in between.

8. Next set the input of the 5.1 aux chan­nel to 5.1 bus and the out­put to 5.1 out­put. This may be labelled dif­fer­ently but it can be viewed in the I/​O sec­tion in setup. This will link the mono tracks via the bus to the 5.1 aux chan­nel and then to the main 5.1 out­put. As shown below, the 5.1 bus is labelled 5.1 Bus, this is set as the input of the 5.1 Aux track and the out­put is set to the 5.1 out­put path cre­ated in step 1 of this guide.


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