On the SC48 routing to FX channels is slightly different to using a traditional analog desk.
You are probably used to sending a channel via a Send and Return path. You send the signal to an external FX unit and then return it on the same channel on an analog desk.
On the SC48 it is a slightly different process as the FX you will mostly want to use will be the internal effects on the desk.
Therefore you have to send the signal internally into an FX channel then return it.
1. First you must set up your FX channel on an Aux Channel and then return the signal via the desks FX return channel.
This emulates internally what you would do externally on an analog desk.
Make sure you are in Config mode.
2. If you want to use a stereo FX, check that the aux group is linked by clicking Options on the operating system and then on the Busses tab.
3. Click Edit, then the Links button at the top and then click Apply.
This will link Aux 1+2 into a stereo group.
Adding Plugins:
1. Now set up the FX you want by adding plugins onto the Aux Channel you wish to use.
Plugin Input:
1. Now you the input of the Plugin.
Click the top of the Plugin tab, choose Bus Outs and select the Aux channel you wish to use.
Plugin Output:
1. Then set the output to the FX return.
You should now have a signal path something like this:
Channel → Aux → FX Return
Faders Setup:
1. Ensure your channel and Aux fader are turned up.
Next press the FX Return switch which will switch the first 8 faders on the desk to FX return faders.
Turn up the designated FX return you set up in the plugin screen.
You should then have a plugin processing your audio and returning it back to the main signal chain.