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Select­ing 5.1

I/​O Settings:

1. In Pro Tools go to Setup → I/​O.

2. Press the ‘Import Set­tings’ in the bot­tom left cor­ner of the pop up.

3. Select the Blue­rooms 1 5.1 Default and press ‘Open’ in the bot­tom right corner.



1. Using ban­tam cables, patch the 'Motu 16A Line Outs 1 — 6' to 'SSL AWS 924 Track Replay 1'.

1 — L, 2 — R, 3 — C, 4 — S, 5 — LS, 6 — RS.


SSL AWS 924:

1. In the mon­i­tor source sec­tion select Ext A.

2. Select Ext A Source but­ton and then select DVD.

3. Select the ‘Alt 5.1′ button.

4. Slowly turn up the mon­i­tor control.



There is also a paper copy of this guide in Bluerooms 1 for your reference.


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