This guide shows you how to record the main L&R mix from the Audient ASP8024-HE into Pro Tools.
Audient ASP8024-HE:
1. Route all of the tracks to the mix bus by pressing the ‘Mix’ button next to the long fader.
2. Patch the left and right Mix Outputs to the Motu 16A inputs 1 and 2 on the bantam patchbay.
3. Create a stereo track in Pro Tools and set the input as 25 – 26. Ensure that the output of the stereo track is not the same as any of the channels you are recording.
Important: Make sure you don’t press the ‘Mix’ buttons on the output tracks of the mixdown on the Audient — this will create feedback.
4. Arm the tracks for recording by clicking the circle on the track so it flashes red.
5. Press the record button on the transport bar and press play, with the track bar at the beginning of your mix, when you are ready to record. Press stop when the mix has finished.
6. Now you will need to bounce out the recorded track. Bounce by selecting File>Bounce and select the output of the stereo track.
Select 44.1kHz, 16 bit, interleaved and offline bounce.