Make sure that everything is patched in before you power up.
Powering Up: DRA (Desk, Rack, Amps)
1. Switch on the desk you are using first.
For the GL4800 first power up the effects rack and turn on the desk’s switch.

2. Switch on the monitor effects rack, and crossover unit above the front-of-house amps.

3. After making sure the volume knobs are at 0, switch on the speaker amplifiers and monitor amplifiers.
This order prevents any unexpected clicks or thumps when the equipment is powered up.
Once on, turn up to the desired level (generally between around 9 and 11 o’clock).

Powering Down:
1. Power down following the DRA rule from the other end — ARD (Amps, Rack, Desk).
Then unplug the cables and pack away neatly into the correct boxes..