This crib will guide you through how to get sound out of Pro Tools into the desk, and out to the monitors.
Pro Tools:
1. Make sure your I/O settings are set correctly. If not follow our guide on resetting them.

1. Click the focus button to flip to the analogue layer of the desk.

2. Bring up the channel fader for 1+2.

3. Send both channels to the mix bus, and pan respectively.

4. You should now see a level on channels 1+2 meters with audio playing out of Pro Tools.

5. If not you’ll need to change the meter input bridge to be displaying analogue and not DAW.
6. Bring up the master fader to 0dB.

7. Slowly increase the control room pot to a suitable level.

1. No signal into 1+2? Ensure at the top of the channels the inputs are flipped to line input.
2. In the master section there is a “MON SRC” column. Mix should be highlighted as you want to hear what is on the mix bus.
