This guide will step through how to play back a recorded track on the Audient ASP8024-HE.
1. The patchbay in GR1 is normaled and set up that, with no extra patching, signal is able to route through to the monitors. If you are unable to get sound from the monitors, check that no cables are plugged into the main or alternative speaker section.

Pro Tools:
1. On the transport bar at the top of Pro Tools, press play to make Pro Tools play the recorded audio. The meters in Pro Tools will start displaying a fluctuating line to show that audio is playing.

Audient ASP 8024 Desk:
1. Press the Mix button next to the long fader of the channel to send it to the mix bus, this can be switched to the short fader by pressing the channel flip button next to the short fader.
After routing the channel to the mix bus, push up the fader.

2. Push up the mix bus fader.

3. Slowly increase the monitor level control — make sure to use the SPL meters as a reference.

1. Make sure that the cut and dim buttons are not lit – these will stop the signal getting to the monitors and will reduce the level of the signal respectively.
2. Ensure that either the main speaker, alt speaker 1 or alt speaker 2 button is lit to send signal to either pair of monitors, and that the control room source select is set to mix so that the mix bus signal is sent to the monitors.