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Lis­ten to an iPod/​Laptop (iJack input)

This guide will explain how to play an exter­nal play­back device through the SSL XL desk. This is use­ful for lis­ten­ing to ref­er­ence mixes or demos quickly and easily.


Before Starting:

1. Make sure the MON­I­TOR LEVEL dial is turned down (fully anti-clockwise).


Con­nect­ing a Device to the Desk:

1. On the lower right hand side of the desk is a 3.5mm jack socket located just above the TALK dial. This socket an input for the desk.

2. Use a cable that has a 3.5mm TRS jack on one end and what­ever con­nec­tor is needed for the desired exter­nal device on the other end e.g. 3.5mm TRS jack to 3.5mm TRS Jack for a smart phone’s head­phone jack.

3. Con­nect your exter­nal play­back device to one end of the cable and insert the 3.5mm TRS jack end into the socket.


Play­ing through the SSL XL:

1. On the exter­nal play­back device, press play or turn up the vol­ume if the device con­tin­u­ously plays.

2. Just above the socket is the MON SOURCE sec­tion which con­trols where the XL looks for its audio. Press the iJack but­ton so that it is high­lighted. This will instruct the XL to read from the iJack socket.

3. Slowly turn up the MON­I­TOR LEVEL dial to a safe play­back level.


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