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Con­nect­ing to the Drop­zone to Sub­mit Work

For some mod­ules you will need to sub­mit a dig­i­tal copy of your work, this can only be done by con­nect­ing to the drop zone from the iMac’s in BLG/​09 or BL1/​06.


Con­nect­ing to the Drop­zone on a Mac:

1. To con­nect to the drop­zone firstly log onto the OSX side of any iMac using your usual Uni­ver­sity login details. Next click on ‘Go’ option from the finder menu at the top of the screen. Next scroll down to the ‘con­nect to server’ option which is the last of the avail­able options.

2. Once this has been selected you need to enter the address of the dropzone:

and click con­nect. This will take you to the drop­zone server con­tain­ing the mod­ule codes for each module.

3. Next find the folder which cor­re­sponds with your mod­ule code, click on this and find your name within this folder. Copy and paste your work into this folder. After mak­ing sure all files you need to sub­mit are within this folder you’re now submitted!


Con­nect­ing to the Drop­zone on Win­dows:

1. To con­nect to the drop­zone firstly log onto the Win­dows side of any iMac using your usual Uni­ver­sity login details. Next click on the explorer win­dow.

2. Once this has been selected you need to enter the address of the dropzone:


3. Now click on the Stu­dents Folder. You can now find the folder which cor­re­sponds with your stu­dent number.

Inside are fold­ers for each of your mod­ules which you can paste your work into.


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