For some modules you will need to submit a digital copy of your work, this can only be done by connecting to the drop zone from the iMac’s in BLG/09 or BL1/06.
Connecting to the Dropzone on a Mac:
1. To connect to the dropzone firstly log onto the OSX side of any iMac using your usual University login details. Next click on ‘Go’ option from the finder menu at the top of the screen. Next scroll down to the ‘connect to server’ option which is the last of the available options.

2. Once this has been selected you need to enter the address of the dropzone:
and click connect. This will take you to the dropzone server containing the module codes for each module.

3. Next find the folder which corresponds with your module code, click on this and find your name within this folder. Copy and paste your work into this folder. After making sure all files you need to submit are within this folder you’re now submitted!

Connecting to the Dropzone on Windows:
1. To connect to the dropzone firstly log onto the Windows side of any iMac using your usual University login details. Next click on the explorer window.

2. Once this has been selected you need to enter the address of the dropzone:

3. Now click on the Students Folder. You can now find the folder which corresponds with your student number.
Inside are folders for each of your modules which you can paste your work into.
