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Adding Plugins

Desk Setup:

1. Go to the Plug-​ins screen.

On this screen you will be pre­sented with dif­fer­ent “racks”, imag­ine these as your out­board hard­ware racks you would have with a tra­di­tional ana­log setup.


Choos­ing a Plugin:

1. First click the big down arrow in the mid­dle and choose your plugin.


Plu­gin Routing:

1. You need to set an input and out­put to your plugin.

To set the input as a strip insert or a bus-​fade plu­gin, first click on the top drop down menu.

2. How­ever if you sim­ply want to place the plu­gin as an insert use the smaller dropbox.


Plu­gin Parameters:

1. Once setup you should be able to change para­me­ters of your plu­gin as you would in Pro Tools although it may look very different.


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