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8. SC48: Options Screen

The option screen is the main area to con­fig­ure the oper­a­tion of the desk.

It is impor­tant to be in Con­fig Mode in order to edit your settings.

The options are split into 8 tabs which col­late to dif­fer­ent areas on the desk.


Sys­tem Tab:

1. This pro­vides the basic hard­ware overview of the desk.

It shows you the input and out­put con­fig­u­ra­tion and allows you to edit the main buses output.

You must click EDIT before you can make any changes to the settings.


Busses Tab:

1. This tab has the options for your busses.

You can adjust whether your Aux Busses are Pre-​EQ, –Mute, –Fader and also group them together as a stereo pair.

You can adjust what the yel­low solo but­tons do on the desk. By default they are set to PFL (pre-​fader lis­ten) and you can also adjust the Pan Laws for the pan encoder.


Pick­offs Tab:

1. This tab has the options to set the pick­off points for signals.

You can set whether a sig­nal is pre or post fader at var­i­ous points, includ­ing routing.

There is also a delay com­pen­sa­tion set­ting for all the plu­g­ins used — this should by default be on Mix & Inserts.


Snap­shots Tab:

1. Here you can change the set­tings for snap­shot recalling/​saving.

Snap­shots save all the desk set­tings at one point in time and allow you to recall them later.

On this tab you can change var­i­ous set­tings includ­ing if cer­tain lev­els are pre or post fade, Mas­ter Time Code (MTC) if you wish to link your desk to an exter­nal clock to drive var­i­ous time events and also MIDI set­tings for the snapshot.


Misc Tab:

1. Here you can setup use­ful tools such inter­nal oscil­la­tor gen­er­a­tor, talk-​back vol­ume and 2-​track out­put level.

The sys­tem clock can be set here which in some sce­nar­ios espe­cially time-​code dri­ven events may be extremely important.

You can adjust mouse speed, tap tempo bpm and how the desk dis­plays delay in time whilst pro­cess­ing effects.


Inter­ac­tions Tab:

1. This has all the inter­ac­tive setup options.

Here the sig­nal meter­ing is cal­i­brated, bright­ness of the LEDS on the desk and how the faders behave with interaction.

You can also set up eth­er­net con­trol here to con­nect the desk to a router etc.


Events Tab:

1. Here you can set var­i­ous phys­i­cal inputs to trig­ger cer­tain events.

For exam­ple you could have a footswitch to trig­ger a scene change etc.


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