The option screen is the main area to configure the operation of the desk.
It is important to be in Config Mode in order to edit your settings.
The options are split into 8 tabs which collate to different areas on the desk.
System Tab:
1. This provides the basic hardware overview of the desk.
It shows you the input and output configuration and allows you to edit the main buses output.
You must click EDIT before you can make any changes to the settings.
Busses Tab:
1. This tab has the options for your busses.
You can adjust whether your Aux Busses are Pre-EQ, –Mute, –Fader and also group them together as a stereo pair.
You can adjust what the yellow solo buttons do on the desk. By default they are set to PFL (pre-fader listen) and you can also adjust the Pan Laws for the pan encoder.
Pickoffs Tab:
1. This tab has the options to set the pickoff points for signals.
You can set whether a signal is pre or post fader at various points, including routing.
There is also a delay compensation setting for all the plugins used — this should by default be on Mix & Inserts.
Snapshots Tab:
1. Here you can change the settings for snapshot recalling/saving.
Snapshots save all the desk settings at one point in time and allow you to recall them later.
On this tab you can change various settings including if certain levels are pre or post fade, Master Time Code (MTC) if you wish to link your desk to an external clock to drive various time events and also MIDI settings for the snapshot.
Misc Tab:
1. Here you can setup useful tools such internal oscillator generator, talk-back volume and 2-track output level.
The system clock can be set here which in some scenarios especially time-code driven events may be extremely important.
You can adjust mouse speed, tap tempo bpm and how the desk displays delay in time whilst processing effects.
Interactions Tab:
1. This has all the interactive setup options.
Here the signal metering is calibrated, brightness of the LEDS on the desk and how the faders behave with interaction.
You can also set up ethernet control here to connect the desk to a router etc.
Events Tab:
1. Here you can set various physical inputs to trigger certain events.
For example you could have a footswitch to trigger a scene change etc.