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6. SC48: Snap­shots Screen

Snap­shots are com­monly used to store the mixer setup and lev­els for indi­vid­ual scenes, songs or sound cues in a per­for­mance. Snap­shots store infor­ma­tion about chan­nels and mix parameters.


Snap­shots Page:

1. The Snap­shots page pro­vides con­trols for stor­ing, recall­ing, and man­ag­ing snap­shots, pro­vid­ing a cen­tral loca­tion for set­ting up and replay­ing auto­mated performances.


Snap­shots Sec­tion (On the Desk):

1. You can tar­get (select), store, and recall snap­shots from the Snap­shots con­trols in this section.


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