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4. SC48: Input Screen


1. When you start the desk you’ll be shown the input screen.

Here you’ll have an overview of the selected input chan­nel and all its options.

You can con­fig­ure the para­me­ters for input chan­nels and FX returns.


Name Sec­tion:

1. Rename a chan­nel by click­ing chan­nel name.

Adjust the I/​O rout­ing of the chan­nel by click­ing patch­bay link.

Nav­i­gate to other chan­nels using the — and + buttons.

Load chan­nel strip pre­sets using the pre­set button.


Fader/​Gain Stage:

1. Dis­played here are the sig­nal input options for the channel.

Included are the following:

  • Chan­nel fader — can be phys­i­cally moved on the desk or with the mouse in the software.

  • Level meter of the chan­nel signal.

  • Phase but­ton to reverse phase of the signal.

  • Solo but­ton which is PFL (Pre Fader Listen).

  • Mute but­ton.

  • High Pass Fil­ter knob.

  • Delay knob to add a delay to the signal.

  • Gain level knob.

  • Gain Guess but­ton — The desk will attempt to auto­mat­i­cally set the level of gain based on the signal.


Out­put Rout­ing Section:

1. Here you can assign your out­puts to main L-​R mix or C/​mono (depend­ing on how the desk is configured).

You can also send your channel’s sig­nals to groups via the 1 – 8 buttons.

The stereo pan but­ton enables you to pan sig­nal in the stereo out­put bus, if not pressed the sig­nal will be sent to Left and Right equally as a mono signal.

There are options for Direct Out con­trol where you can select on the patch­bay where the sig­nal shall be sent out as an output.


Aux Sends:

1. You can send your sig­nals to one of eight aux sends and also acti­vate a pre-​fader switch to enable pre/​post fader aux send modes.



1. Here you can access the desk’s onboard EQ which you can insert via the On switch.

There is a switch at the top which will switch between an ana­log and dig­i­tal mode of EQ. The ana­log mode has a response mod­elled on that of an ana­log console.

There are con­trols for High, High Mid, Low Mid and Low frequency.

Low and High also have switches to adjust to either a bell or a shelv­ing curve.



1. Here is the desk’s onboard dynam­ics processing.

Once you acti­vate one of the effects or click on the sec­tion, the Dynam­ics set­tings will appear on the screen.

There are compressor/​limiter at the top and an expander/​gate at the bottom.

You can also sidechain these effects using the panel on the side labeled C/​L Sidechain and E/​G Sidechain.


Con­fig­u­ra­tion and Inserts:

1. The last sec­tion is the Con­fig­u­ra­tion and Inserts box.

Under the Con­fig box is an input direct switch which will remove all pro­cess­ing on the channel’s signal.

Dyn Pre EQ but­ton can make the dynam­ics Pre-​fade.

Under that is the insert drop­down menu. The first box is for a phys­i­cal insert, the other 4 are for inter­nal plugins.


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