Pro Tools:
1 Open up the Pro Tools project that is to be recorded onto.

2. Set the output on the tracks that are to be recorded on to an output that correlates to a free channel on the desk. In this case, output 9 is being used as that channel is free.

SSL XL Desk:
1. On the channel that is being used to record into Pro Tools, press the ‘A’ button above the fader to make sure that it is out. In this case, that is channel 1.

2. On the channel that is being used to play audio back from Pro Tools, press the DAW button in the trim section of the channel strip so that it is in. In this case, that is channel 9.

3. On the same channel, ensure that the A button above the fader has been pressed in to send the channel to the MIX A bus.

4. Push up the fader on the output channel slowly to hear the post Pro Tools audio, assuming that the MIX A fader is pushed up and the CONTROL LEVEL dial is set to a safe level.
